Category Archives: Selling

How To Get People To Buy From You | 3 Step System That Gets Money!

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How To Get People To Buy


How to get people to buy from you?

Anyone with a product or service they are trying to sell will need to know effectively
how to get people to buy from you.  This is an excerpt from a post that gives valuable tips in becoming that person who can sell anything. How to get people to buy from you?

I recently listened to a webinar where the host got caught up in a payment-plan discussion on air.  Needless to say when someone is arguing about the price of your services or products, you have a problem.  This means you have not demonstrated a clear value for what you are trying to sell.

There are three reasons why a lead will become a client.

Your pricing is right, for them

If you are pricing yourself wrong, you will attract the wrong people.

In the case of the Webinar I mention, the marketer started to offer a payment plan when people complained about the cost.  When your audience starts discussing payment options, it means you are selling to the wrong people.

how to get people to buy from you?

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how to get people to buy from you!

How to get people to buy from you : you compete on price not value.

Remember who you are, payment plans are for banks which charge interest in exchange of credit.  You aren’t a bank.

Lesson 1: To get your pricing right, know WHO you are selling to.

You are trustworthy

In order to command the right prices for your value, people need to trust you.  When you don’t own a shop and everything you sell is done through your site, building trust must be done online.

You have to show credibility by having a real track record of having delivered value to your clients, time and time again.

You also have to be clear and transparent about your agenda online, if you are here to sell a service, SAY it!

Just because you are in this space for business doesn’t mean you have a heavily biased agenda.  Remember to demonstrate often how some people are your clients and others not.

Although a Hubspot partner, Marcus Sheridan brilliantly shows how this is done with his in depth Hubsport vs. WordPress post.

Offering a one size fits all product to everyone who works in the online space will kill your credibility.

You believe in your value

You probably know that people don’t buy WHAT you sell, they buy YOU.

By YOU I mean your confidence, your personality, the way you deal with others and your values.

If you want to convert a lead to a client, you have to be completly aware of your strengths and believe that your skills bring amazing value to others.

All the SEO tricks, blogging tactics, personal branding tools aren’t worth a cent if you don’t believe 200% in what you are doing.

The people who you talk to will feel this lack of self-confidence and this will kill any chances of selling anything to them.

Hesitate, linger a bit too long to answer a question and you are D.O.A for your sale. [how to get people to buy from you]

What happens when you aren’t communicating your true value?

You get these comments:

“I’m not sure I can afford this right now”

“It’s not the right time, I will speak to you in a few months”

“Do you have a payment plan?”

“What is your bottom price for this?

They all come from you doubting yourself.

There are many reasons why we doubt ourselves. Perhaps people around us question our worth as a business owner, or your self-talk is leading you to destroy your confidence.

The reasons are many and what I’m really interested in is building your confidence so you can stand-up and say:

This is me, this is what I sell, it’s not for everyone.

This is much how much it cost, if you can’t afford it, that’s all right.

Nobody else offers what I offer, I bring incredible value, thanks to my unique skills and experience.

This is the little mantra every business owner needs to tell him or herself before any sales conversation.

Try it and tell me how do you approach a sales conversation?
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How To Get People To Buy From You

Stuart Springfield

Stuart Springfield

Lets connect here:

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“How To Get People To Buy” And Where To Find Them…

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How To Get People To Buy

That seems to be the thing that everyone wants to know. I mean, if people had the ability and knew how to get people to buy they would not have as many financial burdens to deal with.  Also they wouldn’t be so afraid to sell something because the fear of rejection wouldn’t be there and they would get more people to say yes, than no. The real question is, do most people already have what it takes to get people to buy?
…and the answer is yes.

Whether you want to believe it or not, everyone already has the built in ability to sell  from the time they are born. All of us already know subconciously how to get people to buy what we are selling them.  You just have to learn how to extract the ability you already have and put it to use.

How To Get People To Buy In Many Different Ways

Well first off, how to get people to buy basically comes down to supply and demand. All that needs to be done is to find a problem or “demand” and “supply” a solution to the problem. See how that works?

Lets explore just some of the different ways that you can sell to people that want to buy.
There are countless ways on how to get people to buy so I am just going to cover a few for the sake of time. There are newspaper ads, billboards, bandit signs, QR codes, telemarketing, word of mouth etc or you could have a blog.  The list goes on and on. How to get people to buy basically just comes down to giving someone what they want when they are ready to buy it.

Stuart Springfield

Stuart Springfield

Lets connect here:

P.S. Here’s my coveted source for FREE UNLIMITED LEADS!!!

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