Tag Archives: Online Presence

Google’s 200 Search Ranking Factors

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Are your websites or blog posts not getting ranked by Google?  It’s much easier when you give Google what Google wants to see.  In this info graphic, you can see exactly what goes into a top ranked site or post.

If you’ve been looking for a blogging system that Google absolutely loves, that I’ve used for years, just go here.

Google's 200 Ranking Factors

Dedicated to your success because I believe in you!

Stuart Springfield

Stuart Springfield

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12 Strategies For Promoting Your Videos On YouTube

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12 Strategies For Promoting Your Videos On YouTube

12 Strategies For Promoting Your Videos On YouTube

Everyone knows that YouTube is the second largest search engine and that having top ranked videos will get you noticed, traffic to your website and money in your pockets.

Unfortunately, not many people know exactly how to go about promoting their videos on YouTube. In this article from Entrepreneur.com, Jason Rich reveals 12 strategies for promoting your videos on YouTube.

When it comes to marketing and promoting your small-business YouTube videos, follow these 12 basic strategies:

1. Start by using the tools available directly through YouTube. For example, provide a detailed and accurate title and description to each of your videos, and associate tags (keywords) that are directly relevant.

2. Use a call to action within your videos to encourage people to like, rate, comment on and share your videos.

3. Begin by promoting your videos to the people you know, including your real-life friends, relatives, customers and clients. Ask these people to watch your video(s) and share them with their online friends.

4. Take advantage of the power and capabilities of the online social networking sites to promote your videos. As a spokesperson for your company, for example, become active on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter, as well as other relevant services. Be sure to create an online presence for your business on Facebook and/or Google+, and then use that presence to promote your videos.

5. Incorporate your videos into your own company’s website and blog.

6. Share links to your videos with your existing customers or clients via opt-in email.

7. Use public relations techniques, such as using press releases to contact bloggers, editors, reporters and producers in order to generate free media coverage for your videos in mainstream media, as well as in blogs that cater to your target audience.

8. Get your videos (and your YouTube Channel page) listed with the major search engines, including Google, Yahoo! and Bing, and then focus on SEO strategies to get the best possible listing placements.

9. Try to collaborate on videos with other companies that are already utilizing YouTube effectively and that are targeting the same audience, but that are not in direct competition with you. This will allow you to capture the attention of your collaborator’s viewers and subscribers.

10. Start promoting your YouTube channel within your company’s printed catalogs, brochures, and sales materials, as well as within its existing traditional advertising.

11. Consider paying for keyword advertising on Google, Yahoo!, Bing and Facebook. Google AdWords for Video is also a very cost-effective and powerful tool for promoting YouTube videos.

12. If you have the budget, hire a YouTube video marketing company to help you plan and implement an online promotional campaign for your videos.

Read more: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/230500#ixzz2pI8zgX6N

Social Media can direct traffic to your blog, turning your blog posts into profit.  Here’s the blog I use successfully and highly recommend.

Stuart Springfield

Stuart Springfield

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How Can I Drive Traffic To My Website?

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Drive Traffic To Your Site

How Can I Drive Traffic To My Website?

This is some information I found in Aweber’s Knowledge Base that I thought could help fellow marketers drive traffic to your website.

Nick Moore posted this on July 23, 2012 02:45 pm

Publish Quality Content

Of course, you should be sure that you have worthwhile content on your site so that once you have visitors, they have something to see. But did you know that publishing quality content can also help to attract traffic to your site in the first place?

Search Engines Can Send Traffic

Search engines continually crawl web pages and index what they find. So, whatever you have published on your site becomes part of the directory people get results from when they search (e.g. “email marketing”, “restaurant in philadelphia area”, “homeowner tips”, etc.).

Think of search engines as catalogs of most of the information on the web. As long as you’re publishing a unique perspective on a topic, new people should find your website this way.

Publish a Blog

Blogging an easy way to get content onto your site in a highly readable way, and in a way that search engines can easily index the information. There are also blog search engines, such as Technorati, out there that will index your articles and could potentially drive a significant amount of traffic to it.

[Don’t have a blog? You can’t find a better blogging platform than this one.]


This one may be obvious, but sometimes the obvious is overlooked. There are many opportunities out there to advertise the content of your website. Before you begin to gain momentum through the other suggestions offered here, spending within your business’ budget for some advertising may be the key to early success.

Search Engine Advertising

Pay Per Click

Examples include: Google AdWords, Yahoo! Search Marketing, and MSN adCenter. Companies like Google have massively grown as a result of search advertising, and for the most part, this would not be true if it wasn’t effective in driving traffic to websites.

By advertising on search engines, you can bid on the advertising space people see when performing searches on what they’re interested in.

Advertising on Websites & Newsletters

Referral / Sponsorship Advertising

Some website owners will install an advertisement block, such as Google AdSense to allow advertisements relevant to the content on their site. By exploring this option, a link to your website will appear on pages the agency you use deems worthwhile, and you’ll pay based either on the number of clicks or impressions (views).

Banner & Skyscraper Ads

These ads are graphical in nature (as opposed to the often plain-text search ads) and appear directly on someone’s website, often via a third-party service like DoubleClick.com.

You can also contact website owners who advertise on their sites to discuss a paid agreement for an exclusive ad on their site.


There are always the old standby, traditional means of print advertising. At one point, this may have been only marginally effective. But as the online experience continues to become more ubiquitous in the lives of people, your efforts to advertise offline in meaningful ways should translate to the benefit of your website.

Consider advertising on whatever print materials you use, both at your physical location and at materials you use for business promotion (business cards, advertisements, etc.)

Build a Reputation

Some traffic building techniques are highly visible and easily measured. But there’s another that is less so but very important — your reputation. The type of word of mouth advertising that holds true in the realm of offline may even be amplified online.

The main way to build a reputation that helps to drive traffic to your site is as simple as providing a product or service that people find useful. But you can further the cause by putting your name out there where people interested in your industry tend to interact:

check Publish blog articles that are easy to link to and share with others, and link to other blogs in your articles whenever possible.

checkPost highly relevant comments on others’ blogs and in related forums.

checkEncourage your email subscribers to forward your messages, which should contain a link to a page where the recipients can sign up easily.”

See Full Article From Aweber Here:


Subscribe and Share my blog with any of your associates who need to learn how to drive traffic to your website.

Dedicated to your success because I believe in you!

Stuart Springfield

Stuart Springfield

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3 Ways To A Celebrity Personal Brand

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3 Ways To A Celebrity Personal Brand

Why are we talking about your personal brand and why is it so important? Think of all the different industry leaders that you know. Notice you think of them by name and not by which different company they are in. Would you still think of them as a leader if they switched companies and was starting back at square one with a new team? Yes, because they have built a personal brand to where people recognize them as a leader no matter their rank in their respective company. Prospects gravitate towards them not because of what company they are in, but because they are attracted to them as a person. They are attracted to their personal brand.

Personal Brand


Your Personal Brand Needs A Higher Velocity

People are attracted to those with higher energy levels and velocities. Ever notice when you are in a room and everyone is gather around a high energy individual who always seem to be telling a story, and you look around and see everyone glued to him like a TV screen. Don’t worry, you don’t have to be super energetic all the time or go to the extremes. You just need to raise your velocity 5% higher than those around you.

Your Personal Brand Needs A Social Following

It is 100 times more powerful to have other people talking about you then it is to talk about yourself. Social proof is one of the most powerful resources out there to create instant credibility. Are you more likely to follow the advice on the website of a person with a following of 10 people or 1,000 people? It’s instant credibility that will turn viral when you hit “critical mass.” Hence, you should take a quick break to “like” my fan page if you have not already done so ;)

Don’t have the time to wait for a social following to gather? Find one BIG voice to edify you.  If you took that same person with the 1,000+ people following and all of a sudden he told them you were a rock star, guess what? That loyal following of his will now view you as a rock star for nothing more than because he said so. I mean, he has a following of over 1,000 people so he must be right, right?

Now practice implementing this by taking another break and telling your following that I’m a Rock Star! ;)

Your Personal Brand Is Nothing Without A Personal Story

This is something that Diane Hochman is a master of. Ever notice how you know the story of every major leader, and how they always tell the same story at the beginning of every event or webinar? I know that Ray Higdon was broke from real estate and his girlfriend had to pay his utility bills. David Wood lived in a van. The list goes on… A personal story gives others something to identify you with, and it also helps them remember you! Now keep in mind your personal story has to actually be real! Do NOT tell people a story that never existed because that will permanently destroy your reputation. The worst possible thing in this industry is to be labeled as a liar. Be honest, share your real story, the real you and your personal brand will become the key to your success.

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 Stuart Springfield

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