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3 Ways To A Celebrity Personal Brand

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3 Ways To A Celebrity Personal Brand

Why are we talking about your personal brand and why is it so important? Think of all the different industry leaders that you know. Notice you think of them by name and not by which different company they are in. Would you still think of them as a leader if they switched companies and was starting back at square one with a new team? Yes, because they have built a personal brand to where people recognize them as a leader no matter their rank in their respective company. Prospects gravitate towards them not because of what company they are in, but because they are attracted to them as a person. They are attracted to their personal brand.

Personal Brand


Your Personal Brand Needs A Higher Velocity

People are attracted to those with higher energy levels and velocities. Ever notice when you are in a room and everyone is gather around a high energy individual who always seem to be telling a story, and you look around and see everyone glued to him like a TV screen. Don’t worry, you don’t have to be super energetic all the time or go to the extremes. You just need to raise your velocity 5% higher than those around you.

Your Personal Brand Needs A Social Following

It is 100 times more powerful to have other people talking about you then it is to talk about yourself. Social proof is one of the most powerful resources out there to create instant credibility. Are you more likely to follow the advice on the website of a person with a following of 10 people or 1,000 people? It’s instant credibility that will turn viral when you hit “critical mass.” Hence, you should take a quick break to “like” my fan page if you have not already done so ;)

Don’t have the time to wait for a social following to gather? Find one BIG voice to edify you.  If you took that same person with the 1,000+ people following and all of a sudden he told them you were a rock star, guess what? That loyal following of his will now view you as a rock star for nothing more than because he said so. I mean, he has a following of over 1,000 people so he must be right, right?

Now practice implementing this by taking another break and telling your following that I’m a Rock Star! ;)

Your Personal Brand Is Nothing Without A Personal Story

This is something that Diane Hochman is a master of. Ever notice how you know the story of every major leader, and how they always tell the same story at the beginning of every event or webinar? I know that Ray Higdon was broke from real estate and his girlfriend had to pay his utility bills. David Wood lived in a van. The list goes on… A personal story gives others something to identify you with, and it also helps them remember you! Now keep in mind your personal story has to actually be real! Do NOT tell people a story that never existed because that will permanently destroy your reputation. The worst possible thing in this industry is to be labeled as a liar. Be honest, share your real story, the real you and your personal brand will become the key to your success.

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 Stuart Springfield

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